One is "Roots and Crowns" by Califone. I failed to report about this record in my "Best of '06" post because I didn't own it at the time. But I just have to say this: BEST RECORD OF 2006! ...well next to Midlake. Tim Rutili is a genius and if you haven't heard these guys, click here and play the song "The Orchids". Check out my wife's review of this song. And if you're the type of person that likes to by single songs off iTunes, buy "The Orchids"'s so beautiful.
And I guess when I say this is a country album, I'm stretching a bit. Most of Califone's stuff is "atmospheric", hinging its sound on layers upon layers of percussion (a lot of found percussion) and electronic samples and analog tape manipulations. They blend these lo-fi elements with a folk/country sound and the result is beauty.
Love the line:
Hey now, mister bouncer
All I wanna do is dance.
But I swear I left my wallet
Back in my workin' pants.
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