I have two:
I was listening to Sun Kil Moon's "Ghosts of the Great Highway" a lot while I was devouring McCarthy's "All the Pretty Horses" and "The Crossing". The Mexican sounding flourishes of thirty-second note strums and lyrics about the Revolution and Pancho Villa fit those two books like a glove. The songs (including an instrumental or two) musically paint the landscape of the Mexican desert.
The other one has to do with a conversation I was having with Loretta the other day about a book we've both read called Geek Love. Pop fiction, best seller type. It's a story about a circus freak whose dad ran a travelling circus and bread little freaks of his own by feeding his wife poisons while pregnant. I remeber that while reading that book I was listening to Neutral Milk Hotel's classic "The Aeroplane Over the Sea". It's super psychadelic and has all kinds of freakish characters. He sings:"Two headed boy, all floating in glass, the sun it has passed, now it's blacker than black, I can hear as you tap on your jar." Tap on your jar? That's crazy! Great book. Classic, classic indie rock record. And they go so well together.
So the question is: Has there been a piece of music that has served as a soundtrack to a pice of literature you've read. Maybe you were reading and listening to them at the same point in your life. Or maybe the two just remind you of each other. Post a comment here!
Hmm, this is a good question. Because we were both listening to Sun Kil Moon at the same time, but reading different books, it is kind of the soundtrack for when I re-read My Antonia. For me, it was prairie sounding.
I can't think of another one. The Shipping News had some sort of soundtrack- maybe Palace Music. Sad, cold, lonely.
i listened to mana donde jugaron los ninos (a mexican sort of pop band, but i love this album) while i read love in the time of cholera...it's probably just the spanish thing but there are some songs that are sort of melancholy as well as upbeat...mostly the book is sadish...
No soundtracks to books but I recall Phil Collins LIVE and Enya that the exercise teacher at the Y used to play during cool down; the Thompson Twins which reminds me of high school boyfriend #1 and "Always and Forever" which reminds me of high school boyfriend #2. The relationship lasted about a year--which is kind of "always and forever" when you're seventeen.
Top Pick: Sometimes a Great Notion + Scud Mountain Boys
So I'm a sucker for flannel. I picked up the book my sophmore year of college around the same time I found Joe Pernice's stuff. Since then I've wanted to grow a beard and become a lumberjack. Unfortunately I don't have good facial hair and there aren't many trees left to cut down in Los Angeles/Bay Area and I hate chainsaws. But the music and the book make a wicked combination.
Honorable Mention: Elmore Leonard's Early Westerns + Johnny Cash's/Don Edward's Cowboy Songs
Just cause there ain't enough of the range left.
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