Friday, February 08, 2008

Bob Dylan "Greatest Hits"

I was working as an apartment complex manager/groundskeeper and finishing up highschool when I broke up with my girlfriend of almost two years (or she broke up with me, depending on who you talk to). I dealt with it by immersing myself in the "Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" cassette tape I had. I wore it out in a maroon walkman I listened to at work while I tended the garden, which contained shaped shrubs, rare tropical plants and trees, multi-level lawns, a pool, and several different courtyards.

I think I understood the cliche' of the first three tracks (Rainy Day Women, Blowin' in the Wind, and The Times They are A-Changin') and took them with a grain of salt, but when "It Ain't Me, Babe" and "Like a Rolling Stone" came on at the end of Side 1, I was sure that Bob had felt what I felt and maybe was even singing about my story! If my 1971 VW Squareback had a tape player, I would have driven past her house blaring the lines:
You got a lotta nerve
To say you are my friend
When I was down
You just stood there grinning

from "Positively 4th Street". But I don't think I ever spoke to her again. I think it was the first time I really fell in love with an album. Not a bad trade at all.

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