Lemme just speak of the bonus disc for a minute: it's stripped-down versions of 4 of the songs from the album and provide an intimate, maybe more accessible, route to the heart of these songs.
I was really looking forward to Sun Kil Moon's return to a rocker like "Salvador Sanchez" from the first album, but it is only attempted herein tunes like "The Light" and "Tonight the Sky", but they fall short in being too repetitive and dry.
The jewels here are dreamy acoustic and clean songs that are understated and quiet. They speak directly about the beauty of California landmarks, geography of Spain, and Ohio childhoods and memories that seem starkly only partial. Mark Kozelek, as a songwriter, is obviously exploring here and not emphasizing the editing process in his own songwriting, but letting these ten minute droners tell the journey of his writing process and mental train of thought.
Highlights are the Will Oldham (Bonnie Prince Billy/Palace) guest vocals on "Unlit Hallway" and the spooky classical guitar duet of "Heron Blue".
Probably more of a fan record. New listeners should check out the first two records as an entry point.
alright, so Mark Kezelek sounds just like Keith when he sings. . . not sure if you've mentioned it before but it's pretty uncanny. Elisa always asks me if it's Keith's band when I put on the moon . . . glad you're writing stuff again, Pete. I finally have something to read on the internet.
I want not agree on it. I assume warm-hearted post. Specially the designation attracted me to be familiar with the intact story.
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