Monday, June 02, 2008

Negative Lyrics (originally written May or April)

I disagree with people who think that darker, more negative art brings you down. I think it's kinda opposite- like if you're arready down, you sorta connect with negative lyrics or whatnot and that sorta validates you and makes you feel good. Ever since my spring break, I've been connecting with these very negative lyrics. They grab my attention and I connect with them. I guess around about that same time, some personal stuff came up and that probably explains it.

Some are lyrics I just connected with, and some are ones that spoke to my situation.

Being born is going blind. And biting down a thousand times.
--Tones Van Zandt

You say you wouldn't want an angel watchin' over you. Well, surprise surprise, they wouldn't wanna watch.
-- The National

Nothing is best.
--The Byrds

When you think it's easy, just believe you're deceived.
--Damien Jurado

Holy shit, there's a company in my back!

I'm not trying to be a grump here. On the contrare! Sometimes it feels good to here someone tell you, "It's OK to feel the way you feel." And, at least for me, it makes me feel better.

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