Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Say Hello, America SON VOLT!

Yes, below is a commercial for Bendy Spice (I thought of that just now) on something called ESPN, I think it's a cooking channel. Anyway, the real treat is that it's Son Volt playing a cover of the Beatles'es "Hello Goodbye".


jillyg said...

bendy spice. very clever.

Erin said...

v. clever i agree. i also really like the cover. i also really like how only america could make a whole commercial about how sad we're making a whole 'nother country by paying millions to take away a sports star.

Anonymous said...


Believe it or not, when we flew on United yesterday, one of their audio channels was called the Starbucks assortment (or something like that) and Son Volt was one of the offerings. I hope this doesn't dash your fannishness but thought you should know.

Anonymous said...

Take that British, we steal your futbol star and then cover your songs. Suckas.